June Newsletter

Dear PFP Community,

Welcome to the June newsletter.  In response to the ongoing and much-needed social justice movement, we pivoted away from our regular scheduled content for June.  Below you will find a formal statement on the current events from our President, Devin Williams.  Additionally, with the help of our community, we have compiled resources to provide education on the issues at hand in present day, the history of racism, how to engage in conversation around these sensitive topics and most importantly, how you can get involved to make a difference.

Remember it’s up to us to “Be the change you want to see in the world.”  We challenge you to move past words and to take action towards the world you want to live in and leave behind for the generations to follow.

“Together we can achieve, what none of us can alone.” 


The PFP Team

Introducing: The PFP Social Injustice Resource Portal

During these times, we at PFP understand that you may be searching for content and resources to help you better understand not only the events occurring around social injustice, but the viewpoints of those directly and indirectly affected. Our leadership team has curated a Social Injustice Resource Library, which contains articles, books, and helpful links to further your understanding of the events unfolding in our country today.

You can find the link to this content here.


October Newsletter


March Newsletter